Ultra Sleeve™ Text Order Form
Single Kits: _____* $25 =_________ + ________
Double Kits: _____* $44 =_________ + ________
Separate trays: _____* $11 =_________ + ________
Sets of 40 cells: _____* $6 =_________ + ________
Sets of 40 sleeves: _____* $6 =_________ + ________
Sub Total: _________ + ________
Total of last two columns: ____________________
Name: _____________________________
Address: _____________________________
City: _____________________________
State: _____________________________
Zip: _____________________________
Please complete and mail with check or money order
(payable to JoMarGreetings) to JoMar Greetings,
P.O. Box 495, Oakland, NJ 07436.
Thank you!